Friday, February 23, 2007

All that Glitters is not Good

...or something like that. There seems to be a mindset today that if a thing is made by a big name, and is visually stunning, and has many many features, it must be the best, and our world will be lacking without it. That's what the companies that sell the thing want us to believe, and act on. On the surface, at a conscious level, we know that there's much more to consider, we still fall for the tricks. Just like my cat will chase the light on the floor, we seem to always chase the glitter and flash, even if we have no need, and likely never will, for them.
Well, I don't have all the answers, but I do know a good bit about spotting the hype in a product, and looking past it to the real value of it, if any.

Just as a little taste, did you know that Internet Explorer 7 does tabbed browsing? Duh, sure you do, because that has been a major marketing point to get you to use it!
Did you know that Internet Explorer 6 can also do tabbed browsing?! And that it is better in many peoples opinion than Internet Explorer 7's!
How about this. Tabbed browsing isn't new at all! I have been using tabbed browsing for 6 years, and it wasn't new then!
The anti-phishing feature of Internet Explorer 7 is pretty cool, huh? Good thing to have these days. FireFox has had at least equal, and arguably better anti-phishing for several months before Internet Explorer. Again, Internet Explorer 7 is late to the table, although this time by only months, not years!
Did you know the Internet Explorer 7 can have "add-ins"? An add-in is a bit of code to make Internet Explorer 7 do things that Microsoft didn't make it do. It's really quite awesome. Wish that anything you typed in Internet Explorer 7 could be spell checked? It Can. There's an add-on. Wish there was a better download manager? There is. It's an add-on. Lots of things that IE doesn't do are added with an add-on. You get to pick and choose what you want your browser to do. A personalised browser that works the way you want it to. Sweet! Um, well, sweet, but not new. My browser has had that capability for at least 4 years...maybe more. I discovered it 4 years ago, and it is one of many things that keep me going to FireFox.
One more thing. Do you use Quickbooks? Do you use Internet Explorer 7? You are likely asking for trouble. I don't know what it is about IE7 that causes a problem, because I don't use IE7 (why would I?) and I don't use Quickbooks. I have a few clients that do, and my advise to them is the same as from quickbooks. Revert to IE6. Their financial data is far more valuable to risk on some late-to-the-table overbearing and under performing program.
I'm a big fan of following industry standards. All else being equal, I will always use a product that follows an agreed upon industry standard. Always. IE7 does things its own way. Not a better way as far as anyone but Microsoft can tell, just a different way. It is the latest example in a long line of examples as to why the newest from the biggest in not always the best, and in fact can be hazardous!

That's an example of what this blog is about.
Yes there will be a good bit of negative entries about Microsoft. I do not like them as a company. I stopped liking them when xp came out. Vista just reinforced my dislike for them.
I have my favorites, and they will be fair game too. I love Evolution. It is way too far behind given its age, IMHO.
I Love Ubuntu Linux, and Linux in general...but the documentation for almost all Linux apps flat out Stinks! Geniuses write these Awesome programs....and then don't spend a lick of time explaining how to use it! Who cares if you solve world hunger if you don't tell others about it?!

Well, that's enough don't you think?

See you later!
